My life journey began with humble beginnings, love, community, and amazing food on the Westbank of New Orleans. Growing up, I learned and experienced firsthand the meaning of community and why "It takes a village to raise a child" is not just a cliché saying. I am living proof that if you raise a child with a dream in a village filled with love and support, anything is possible, even if money is not abundant.

Although I grew up with a single mother, the support the community and family provided was the perfect helping hand to ensure I reached my full potential. From Mt. Pilgrim Baptist Church to my amateur basketball team, Lady Pride, and the street I grew up on, I was always surrounded by those I knew and loved. This sense of community has stuck with me and is the core foundation I carry with me all over the world.

When I needed a friend, I knew if I just found a court I would find one. When I wanted an outlet, I would go to the basketball court. When my mother needed a way to motivate me to get better grades, the threat to not allow me to play basketball worked like magic!

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